I couldn’t figure out what that weird orange object was, so I ignored it, hoping that it would make the first move.
After several minutes it hadn’t moved a speck, so I tried a new tactic – I stared at it with my most frightening look. Maybe I could scare it into action.
No such luck.
Since the mysterious object did not seem to be making any effort to be friendly, I made the decision to take the only action that seemed to be left to me.
Woah. First Contact! I'd be paralyzed into fear with that look! No wonder it doesn't move - maybe it's tasty...:P
did you put the bitey on it?
I hoped you thumped the thing!
What are you going to do???
bet you hopped away, flicking your back feet in disdain!
That thing is in for it now!
I bet there's nothing left of it, by the time my comment comes thru.. show that thing who's boss!
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