Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Beware the Surfing Bunny


I untwisted the little wire tie and reached inside the bread sack. The next thing I knew, a blurred bundle of black and white fur flew into the kitchen, surfed across the tile floor, and landed at my feet. When Freckles had righted herself, she looked up at me expectantly. I held the piece of bread down by her mouth. She snatched it from my hand and backed up until she touched the cupboard. With her back to the cupboard and without taking her eyes off of me, she nibbled heartily at her piece of bread.


Deb Shucka said...

No thanks from our super bunny?

Rachel Hamby said...

Just stopped by to say hi and catch up on your adventures.

BipolarBunny said...


RG said...

I can just see the long slippy slide with some flayed out legs and a lot of scritching and scratching. Good recovery Freckles, to get the bread and compose yourself to eat it.

Now tell us YOUR side of the story!

The Meezers or Billy said...

what kind of bread was it?

Keithius said...

Such a brave bun! Mine would never risk going on the slippery floor of the kitchen.