Friday, January 11, 2008

Freckles Enters the Cave! (It's about time!)


I finished all of the green parts of the leaf. I looked for the white part -- don't like it, tastes yucky. There wasn't a white part! What wonder is this? The cave provides the best part of the food without the icky part! This is a wonderful thing!

I took a closer look at the cave itself. It had a floor made from the same substance as the floor of the Other World -- soft and comfortable. Maybe, just maybe, I would try it out. What could it hurt? I climbed inside, turned around, and plopped my body down onto the textured floor surface.


Christine said...

Ooh! Lucky Freckles has a loverly place to watch the world and meditate! Congratulations!

Anonymous said...

yippeee!!! and doncha love it in there!

RG said...

Oh Freckles ... I must admit, you look mighty happy in there! You can always check out the top another time!

(But I still think you was bribed to go in!!!)

Hey ... was that rare tornado any where near you???

Deb Cushman said...

Glad you guys like me in my cave!

Rabbits' Guy - check out today's tornado post!

The Meezers or Billy said...

YAY! You look gorgeous and comfy!

Marissa Doyle said...

Slightly off topic...but I see that my bun isn't the only one with carrot stains on his ruff! :)