Saturday, December 15, 2007

Freckles (Finally) Takes Action


I watched Freckles trying to make up her mind between the magazine she was sitting on and the salad of dandelions and carrots. It seemed like a long time, but was probably only a matter of minutes before she seemed to arrive at a decision. She stood, hopped the few hops to the plate, and enthusiasticly attacked the salad.


Deb Shucka said...

Score one for the two-legs! I can hardly wait to see what she does when you go for the magazine.

RG said...

Don't take the Consumer Report ... mayhem might result ....

Zinger said...

yup when it comes right down to it we rabbits love our salad too much :-)

RG said...

How about a "Tag" to keep Freckles mind off the mag? The rules, if you choose, are over on our site. Thanks.