The Bunny Blogosphere is buzzing! Bunnies DO Rock! We've known it for a long time and now the world will know it!
What can you do at the Bunny Benefit Bash?
Listen to some great music by the Maelstrom!
Eat Refreshments (plenty of greens for everyone!)
Donate to a great cause -- rescuing rabbits at Rabbit Rescue, Inc!
Chat with other rock bunny visitors!
Read short stories written especially for the event by bunny blogger Ann Pino
(and you can read a sample chapter of her novel about the band!)
Watch a Bunny Rock Video that Freckles STARS IN! (Actually she has a small, but extremely vital part approximately halfway through the video. Close observers will also recognize another character from our blog who makes an appearance!)
The party lasts all weekend, so hop on by and join the fun!
(Note: The bash is so popular that we had trouble getting into the site this morning, but we persevered and eventually got in!)