A taste of the box offered nothing in the way of hints as to its origins. It was neither sweet nor sour, unpleasant nor enjoyable, satisfying nor unacceptable. I decided to try again and moved to another section, ripping a piece from the box with my teeth. I plopped on the ground and chewed slowly, savoring every bite. Still nothing.
There must be some clue to the purpose of this box within the box itself. I just had to figure out what it was. Maybe I needed to examine the box from a distance. I hopped away from it and turned.
Dear bunny, Deb is upset, 'cause she thinks you don't like the box(((
boxes are cool and comfy places to hide!
I haz tasted my castle and it tasted like nothin' serious. But worth chewing anyway!
I am learning a great deal about introducing a new thing to a bunny.
1. Don't expect immediate thanks.
2. Don't expect anything.
3. Be prepared for anything!
Boy, Rabbit's Guy, have you got that right =:-)
You awe a vewy thouwough bunny..I hope you get to the bottom of the mystewy..I wish Icould come help you and then give you a big smoochie kiss
That's ok, labels are quite tasty in and of themselves, aren't they? And so fun to rip off of the box!
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