I’d checked out the box from all sides, even nosing it in a few places for special examination. I still couldn’t figure out what this thing was supposed to be.
Was it some new weird kind of bush?
Was it the beginning of a cave, popping up from the middle of the clearing?
Was it a trap?
I checked out the soft ground inside, pulling and tugging until I got it moved around a bit. Finally, I decided I’d just have to do what a rabbit’s got to do…I tried to eat it!
I think it looks like a vewy pawfect pwivate space fow playing and napping..vewy cozy..I don't think it's a twap, it has no doows ow anything..give it a twy
smoochie kisses,ASTA
Looks like a perfect place for having rest.
I hope it tastes better than the pink colored pencil that Tyler or Sydney (probably Sydney because she ate some of the woodwork) munched on. Make your mom give you a treat, Freckles.
silly bunny :-) you're sposed to snuggle on it!
Did it taste good? ~The FLuffy Tribe
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