Thursday, February 19, 2009

A Nervous Doggy


Scrambles stopped and stared at Freckles. Then, in the middle of the confrontation he discovered an itchy part of his back and took a moment to bite at it. (We’ve noticed he does one of two things when he is nervous – either he runs to his food and chews loudly or he scratches his back.) In doing so he had to turn his head away from Freckles. She remained in an alert position, looking slightly confused yet ready to jump at him if he came any closer.

I wondered if I should get involved, but Freckles seemed to have the situation well in hand. This was her fight to claim her territory. I’d let her handle it (unless it got out of hand.)


Anonymous said...

Our cats do that too... scratch their back infront of our angry bunnies! Make the bunnies more provoked!

Fez and the Gang said...

Freckles sure looks on high alert there!

Fez and the Gang said...

Freckles sure looks on high alert there!

Anonymous said...

I don't think all that scratching impressed Freckles one bit! There's disdain written all over her furry face..

Glenna said...

Not only impressive battle face but impressive grunt! And you clearly have the situation well in paw. Scrambles is covering up his confusion but pretending to scratch, but really he's considering how to hightail it away from the fearsome one without losing face too badly

The Bunns said...

Freckles saves the day!

Anonymous said...

it's quite interesting what dogs will resort to when they don't know what to do

i watched an episode of the dog whisperer where the poor pup was so out of sorts at even having a visitor dog in the house (cesar brought another dog in an effort to socialize the dog being helped) that the dog being helped sat at his water dish and drank... for several minutes, clearly trying to avoid what was happening