We’ve been pretty busy playing in the snow lately. Washington and Oregon have
been having the biggest blizzard to hit our area in many, many years. News reports vary on just how long it’s been since we’ve seen so much snow (we’re talking feet instead of inches!), but it has been unique for our area. Unfortunately, there is a big problem with this year’s arctic blast:
We don’t usually get this much snow, so our transportation departments don’t have enough equipment to handle it.
- It happened right before Christmas, so a lot of people haven’t been able to get to the stores to shop for gifts and food.
- Freckles has decided that she is NOT a snow bunny (as the pictures below where she’s wanting to go back inside will show.)
It’s snowing again as we type this, but it is supposed to change to freezing rain and then will start to warm up in the next few days. In the meantime, Deb’s sitting in her rocking chair watching it snow and enjoying a nice hot cup of chai tea, and Freckles stays cozy in her favorite box only coming out when there is the promise of food. She will eat a little fresh snow as long as she's in the mood and it is served to her on a plate INDOORS.
I'm with Freckles. No snow bunny at all. This stopped being fun after the second day. It is lovely, though to be stuck inside with nothing better to do than read - or write. Merry Christmas!
We are no snow bunnies either! Far too warm in the East Midlands for it anyway, and hopefully the snow will not cause too much disruption to you. If you are like me, you're going to spend the next two days indoors, crafting or reading and playing with Freckles.
Wishing you a very merry Christmas!!
I'd love to see what Cadbury would do with snow, but not that much! Stay warm and safe, everyone!
Brrrrr. Glad Freckles doesn't want to be a snow bunny. She shows good sense.
Stay warm and have a Merry Christmas!
Brrrr, stay warm bunfriends. Nice Freckles got to disapprove:0) maybe some snow shoes would change her mind.
Stay warm! Happy holidays!
Thank you fro your condolences!
Brrrr - this looks COLD!!! We never really get any snow - and that's just fine with us!
Happy Holidays to you!
The Cat Realm
Merry Christmas!!
Stay warm, Freckles & Deb!!
That's a lot of snow....
Have a wonderful Christmas!
Freckles..Mommi calls me a snow bunny, cause I like to hippity hop in it..but we don't have any..just ugly wain and fog..
I'm sowwy you had to postpone youw celebwations..I hope you had a wondewful chwissmuss ust the same
stay wawm
smoochie kisses
don't blame Freckles one little bit ~the Fluffy Tribe
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