As you probably noticed, I took a week off to work on the remodel of my box. This has been quite the project. First of all, I love my box. It is roomy and tall and dark. When I'm inside, nobody can see me. However, the doorways were a bit small. During the first phase of the remodel, I enlarged both doorways.
To remind you of what my box originally looked like, here's a picture. See how small the doorway is? Obviously, something had to be done!
I agree it's much improved!
Very nice work, would you like to remodel our kitchen next?
it's wonderful!!!
I know exactly how you feel Freckles, we're still remodeling our home and it's a lotta woik. Mostly because now we're in the details stage, much like yours. I've never seen a bun strip wall paper before. You do good work.
I must compliment you on your interesting shapes and lively edge quality. Well done, Freckles.
Wow good chewing!
Freckles, you sure have a keen eye for design! Your box looks so much better now.. love the bottom part where you have stripped off all the colourful, glossy paper. Simplicity is the way to go ;)
Nice job!! Keep up good chewing, Freckles!!
I like your aesthetic approach to this, not only is the doorway bigger but the whole box also feels more contemporary,
Ouch, poor box (((
you are quite the architect Freckles, we luv what you've done with the box. The ratties never know when to stop with their boxes and frequently have them collapse over their heads when they have chewed the supports to much. *sigh* ~Rabbie Burns
You have a real talent for design, Freckles!
This is one of my most favouritist things to do! Great job!
Very good renovation so far! I'm sure in time the doorway will get even bigger, and there will be more peeling away of the outer layer...
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