Saturday, December 4, 2010

A Hamster Christmas

Our early new year's resolution is to do better with our posting...In the meantime, we loved this video and wanted to share with you these very talented musicians!
Freckles & Deb


Christina said...

Wow! Who knew....

Jade said...

That is too cute!

Merry Christmas to the both of you! :)

The Fab Furs said...

The hamsters are very cute while they are also displaying their talents. I am sure that Freckles' resolution is to never be filmed while performing her particular musical talent. Happy holidays!

Jans Funny Farm said...

That was cute. thanks for sharing.

RG said...

Well, at least let Freckles get on and blog now and then.

Glad all is OK. Sometimes these long silences portend bad news.

Crafty Green Poet said...

very entertaining, I never knew hamsters were so musical

Asta said...

That was pawsome
I stawted tapping my fotwotty foot when I heawd that..what talent..those awe cool dudes. I'm glad you'we going to post mowe, I'm going to twy too..sometimes life gets too busy fow the hoomans i guess, but i do love seeing you and heawing about youw adventoowes
smoochie kisses

Robyn Waters said...

My Hamster, Hermes, loves this's his favorite! He owns the CD and plays it every year at his Christmas party. He says he's glad the rest of the planet is finally catching on. Merry Christmas Freckles, I've missed you!