Monday, March 15, 2010

We're Still Here!


Okay, okay, we know. We haven't been around much this past month. I've been taking care of some writing stuff, and Freckles has been busy working on her photography project. Stay tuned...she's got some terrific new photos and observations to share with you! Here's a hint:

She's discovered how difficult it is to compose a subject for her photo, but she's learning quickly. (And chewing as fast as she can!)


The Meezers or Billy said...

that's some beautiful artwork Freckles!

Glenna said...

We've missed you!

Lisa said...

Deb, you know Freckles must get all of the furnishings just so, before she can take her photos!

Crafty Green Poet said...

oh Freckles, you're a new star in the modern art world, congratulations!

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Wow, Freckles. I'm having a little trouble interpreting the larger meaning in your work, but Cadbury loves it!

Cara said...

That looks like is's almost done

The Bunns said...

We have done one of those -maybe two! But not with that style!!!!

Deb Shucka said...

I hope this artwork wasn't Deb's favorite potholder.

Christina said...

There is a style to this I havent seen in a while. You are quite the artist Freckles.

Asta said...

I've always admiwed you and now even mowe that I see the awt genoos that you awe developing into.
I can't wait to see the west of youw pwoject
smoochie kisses