Sunday, December 6, 2009

It's Deja Vu All Over Again!

A couple of people guessed correctly...the pictures Freckles posted were of our friend's Papillon dog, Figs, who spent a week visiting us.

Figs is a great dog. But, Freckles was not being a great hostess, especially since Figs stole her carrot and ate it in front of her. Those who have followed our blog probably just had a feeling of deja vu. Our dear friend Scrambles also ate Freckles' carrot. This is getting to be a pattern!

Here's what Freckles looked like when watching Figs with her carrot:


Carmen S. said...

Awww, that poor baby getting the carrot stolen, how sad! Just look at that lil' face:( freckles...I would recommend REVENGE!

d. moll, said...

Deb, I must speak firmly and boldly, for I speak for Freckles. That face, that face, she is heartbroken and upset, but powerless. You mustn't let this happen again! Freckles just may call Rabbit Protective Services......

Ann (bunnygirl) said...

Poor Freckles!

I have an aunt and uncle whose dog likes carrots, too. It must be one of those little-known dog secrets.

Michelle May-The Raspberry Rabbits said...

Die Dog die!
Poor Freckles!

Crafty Green Poet said...

Poor Freckles, can a girl not eat her carrot in peace? Since when have dogs liked carrots anyway?!!

RoadBunner said...

Fig stole her carrot?! The HORROR!!

Hef's Mom said...

Hef used to live with a king charles spaniel who stole his toss toy and chewed a carrot off but Hef wasn't witness to it.

RG said...

But that stare from Freckles ... Figs wil NEVER forget it!

Deb Shucka said...

Poor Freckles. Doomed to a life filled with carrot-eating dogs who are too stupid to be afraid of that ferocious face.